Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Two Sisters 7-26-10

Ray brought the kettle back to the stand for me today, but it was pouring rain and apparently no one was there, so we thought it would be a waste of time to pop.

Instead, I read a lot and drove down to Two Sisters coffee shop and bakery. It was amazing! They had filled cupcakes that looked deadly. I sat near the bakery window for a while on the internet, so I heard every cupcake described several times by someone who worked there to people coming in, and the one that kept catching my ear was the reese's one. I managed to not get it, but I may have to go back for it sometime before I leave!

On the way home, I picked up the first two discs of "True Blood," which had been recommended to me several times, mostly by Lance. I watched four episodes and thought it was entertaining enough to keep going. I do like vampires, I must admit. Not necessarily the "Twilight" ones, but the ones NOT involving a teenage girl giving up her life for the guy she supposedly falls in love with at 17. Don't get me started...

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