Saturday, July 10, 2010

The ferry back to Homer, recovering 7-8-10

We woke up in the morning (not much earlier than the previous day) and started packing up to leave. We had slightly lighter packs this time due to having eaten a lot of our food, which was very nice.

As we were getting our bikes ready to go, I let go of mine for a second after Eddy was clipped to the Biker Dog, and he chose that moment to go on his own. He pulled the bike over, which scared the crap out of him, and he got away because he had actually broken a piece off his biker dog. I was less than impressed.

After we rode back to town, we hung out at the little cafe and had lunch for a bit until the ferry was ready to go. We all slept most of the way back on the ferry, staying inside this time for warmth.

When we finally arrived back in Homer, we jumped in the car, took a shower, and went to a Thai restaurant for dinner. We went straight home and watched a movie.

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