Monday, July 19, 2010

Sleeping in, New tent, Karate Kid, Jog, Otters 7-18-10

Today was a fairly nice day, even though it was rainy and overcast. I slept until noon without interruption. I never sleep that late! We finally made it out of the house around 3, and set up my new tent on the Spit. My old one had far too many leaks and drips, so this will be very nice.

After Ray took off to do some stuff, I went to "Karate Kid" at the Homer Theater, which consists of one whole screen. It was the first movie I've been to for a long time without stadium seating. I'm going to tell myself that's why people don't know the etiquette for that type of seating anymore. After I'd sat down, and most of the theater was empty, a big group of six people came and sat right in front of me, blocking the screen with big heads. I mean... when I sit down in a theater like that, I make every attempt not to block anyone behind me. Isn't that the considerate thing to do? Most of the theater was empty!! I digress... The movie was awesome! I really enjoyed it.

After the movie, Eddy and I jogged down the spit again. It was pretty barren since it was about 9pm when we started out. On the way back, I noticed some sea otters playing in the ocean, so we sat on a rock for quite a while watching them and a passing HUGE cruise ship. I never realized how gigantic those ships really are. They seem to dwarf the entire spit.

It was a rather satisfying day, but tomorrow we need to work again, and clean! :-)

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