Monday, July 26, 2010

Rain, Another day off, Jog, Etc... 7-25-10

Today I got up with some motivation. I had a breakfast shake, walked to the car, and drove to the bike trail on East End Road. Eddy and I jogged a mile uphill, which for me is quite good, and then we jogged another mile back down the hill. I have to say I was rather proud of us, considering that we haven't been jogging for very long. I'm including Eddy in "we" even though he's in considerably better jogging shape than I am.

After jogging in the rain, I went to the grocery store, had a shower at the Washboard, and went home again, feeling clean and refreshed. I don't feel that way very often here. :-) Anyway, I spent the rest of the day reading my book. I know... something I could do in Colorado, but at the same time, it was nice and peaceful, and exactly what I needed. I also managed to watch "Inglourious Basterds," which surprised me as being a pretty good movie.

I really hope it stops raining soon.

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