Monday, July 5, 2010

Lots of kettle corn, crazy bikers, lost camera battery charger 7-4-10

I worked hard today. Ray said it's the record for working a stand alone (where profit/money is concerned). It was insane. I was practically taking reservations two batches ahead of the one I was making for bags of kettle corn. I had no idea so many people were so crazy about the stuff! I hurt.

Dear Harley-riders,
Do you really have to be so obnoxiously loud everywhere you go? You don't need to make an entrance. No one cares if you are there or not, other than the fact that you are disturbing the peace for EVERYONE. Compensate in some other way, please. Oh, and get your fingers out of my fresh kettle corn. It's not yours yet, and it's not in YOUR bag.

Sorry, I was a little irritated today.

So one big problem for me is that I seem to have lost my camera battery charger. Those of you who know how much I LOVE to take pictures might understand what a huge loss this is for me. It HURTS. I looked it up on Canon's website today, and they don't appear to have it for sale. SERIOUSLY, Canon?! Oh, and they are taking tomorrow off, even though it's NOT a holiday, so I can't even call. Jerks.

Yep, a little irritated today.

If anyone is reading this, I hope you had a great 4th!

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