Sunday, July 4, 2010

Busy day, Alice's, new friends 7-3-10

Today started pretty badly since it was raining and wouldn't quit. During the rainy slow time I continued with "The Book Thief," which started making me cry a little harder than I would like while trying to sell kettle corn, so I had to stop. It's probably a book better finished at home!

When the sun came out, business picked up enough that I could call today my biggest day by far! It was nice keeping busy, and the weather was beautiful for a while.

After work, I took a nice, hot shower at the Washboard, and after having debated all day about what to do after my shower, I decided to go to Alice's for a beer. I figured it couldn't hurt, and if it sucked I could just leave. After sitting there for a while, listening to the band (which wasn't bad), and drinking my beer, the girl next to me started talking to me. As it turned out, she was also from Colorado and had traveled up here alone for a little adventure. She was touring Alaska. She ended up buying me a beer and giving me her bear spray, since she's going home soon and won't need it. It was really nice. Someone else who stopped by and chatted for a while was Pauline, a lady who works at my favorite store on the spit, the Better Sweater. She's really nice too. It was great having people with whom to talk, instead of just sitting there by myself and wishing more of my friends were here.

Now that I'm home, it's bedtime, and I'm still a bit tipsy from the beer. I really am a lightweight, and I think it's getting worse! Weird, considering how I live at 10,200 feet, and now I'm at sea level. What's up with that? I seriously hope I don't end up with altitude sickness when I finally go back to Leadville.

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