Thursday, June 17, 2010

Northern Montana to McBride, BC, 6-14-10

Well, we finally made it to Canada, via a really rude border crossing person. I really wanted to ask if she was always like that, or if they told her to be mean and rude. Anyway, she let us in. Shortly after that, my Garmin GPS decided it didn't want to work anymore. This made Calgary very interesting.

After we finally got out of that wretched city and into the mountains, we had a great time. Banff was gorgeous, as was Jasper. I'd love to spend more time there on the way home. There was so much to see! I never thought I'd say a place was more beautiful than Leadville, but the mountains around there definitely surpassed it. Lake Louise was my favorite stop. It was really breathtaking.

We drove all day through the two National Parks, and decided at the end to get a hotel room for the night. I was exhausted, and really needed to sleep well. We finally arrived in a little town called McBride, and found a hotel that seemed like it would work (thanks to Christine's research skills).

When I pulled into the parking lot, I didn't think about it, but I went under the awning in front of the hotel. There was a very loud crashing/scraping sound, and I realized I'd just ran my bike into the awning. Great. After sitting in the car in a stunned, horrified paralysis, I managed to look at the damage. The bike's rear tire rim was completely bent out of shape and the handle bar controls were pushed underneath the bars. It had ripped the factory rack off the car, along with the crossbars and box. It was a mess.

The guy at the hotel was really nice. He came out to see what had happened, got me a room (at a discount), and locked my bike up for me, and helped me carry the rack with the attached box top to my room so it would all be safe. He said not to worry about it, but to get some sleep and he would tell me where to go in the morning. This will not be a restful night. Panic is setting in.

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