Thursday, June 24, 2010

River View Campground to Destruction Bay, YT, 6-17-10

Sidenote: When I miss days in this blog, I copy out of my written journal, which is why I always write as if it were that day... :-)

Today was rather uneventful. This morning I had coffee with Godfried and Heidi in their beautiful camper. It was fun because Eddy didn't see where I went (due to the fact that he was eating when I left), and we watched from their window while he looked for me. He kept going back and forth between the tent and my car, looking and sniffing. They said he's a very good dog to know where his place is, and to always be waiting for me.

We said our goodbyes and got on the road. Everything is becoming a blur of beautiful scenery, small towns, no cell phone service, and mostly no internet. I stopped at a cafe that had internet today, then kept going. Eventually we got to White Horse, where there was cell service very briefly. Ray and I decided to meet in Fairbanks rather than have me drive all the way to Homer just to turn around and drive 700 miles back there for the Solstice Festival.

I was just debating on whether or not to go ahead and camp when we rounded a curve in the road, and a grizzly bear ran out from the bushes in front of my car. After a moment of horrific shock, I was slamming on the brakes and searching for my camera at the same time. I did manage to get two shots of the bear, which was awesome! That was definitely the coolest part of my trip so far. I also decided then and there to get a hotel room. I'm not into sharing a tent with a grizzly bear.

We crashed in Destruction Bay, of the Yukon Territory. It was next to a gorgeous lake, though not right by it. It's exciting to think that tomorrow we'll finally be in Alaska! It'll be nice to have cell service!

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