Monday, June 28, 2010

Rain, rain, go away! 6-27-10

Today I got up, cursed at the rain, and headed to the Spit to start popping. Unfortunately, the rain decided to stick around, no matter what I yelled at it, and not many people came to the Spit today. I packed up early, went to the laundry mat to finish drying some clothes that didn't get dry yesterday, filled some water jugs at Safeway, bought some really great outdoor boots, and came back to the cabin. I worked on dishes for at least an hour, but they are all done! After that, it was me, beer, Grey's Anatomy, and chips and salsa for dinner. It was a pretty restful day.

Riding my bike is starting to sound great, but I'm not hardcore enough to do it in the rain. Something I would like to do is go for a bike ride in the semi-light at midnight. I know it's weird, but it's just something I would like to do, but not necessarily by myself.

I'm really hoping Jess decides to visit me here for my last week and ride back with me. Come on, Jess, you can do it!!

I was told today by a local, Dwaine, that I looked like a local when I was popping corn because I was wearing a beat-up hoody, messed up pants, and a hat. He said all I needed were the Alaskan boots. I guess since I picked some up today, perhaps I'll blend in. We'll see! I'm just tired of people asking me where things are or where the best burger is because I have no idea what to tell them. I do know where the restrooms are though, so that's a start.

It sounds like we're taking Wednesday off to do something "Alaskan." I'm not sure what that will be yet, but I'm sure it will be fun. :-)

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