Thursday, June 24, 2010

My first day popping fo rmyself, Homer, 6-23-10

Today Ray and I got up decently early to get the booth set up on the spit. The spit is sort of a narrow peninsula going out from Homer into Kachemak Bay, and Cook Inlet. It's absolutely gorgeous with ocean on both sides, mountains across the Bay, seagulls overhead, and cute little shops lining both sides of it. There's a huge dock for boats on one side too, from where charters seem to leave to take tourists fishing. It's a postcard.

We set everything up and I got to learn to pop the kettle corn. It was slightly intimidating being so close to something so large, hot, and prone to throw hot grease and popcorn kernals into my face or any exposed skin. I had to wear a long sleeved t-shirt, hat, and sunglasses to protect as much as possible. I was pleasantly surprised by how few times I got burned. It was actually really fun. People were all very nice, and the atmosphere there is so restful and relaxed.
It was a rather slow day, business-wise, but I'm sure it will pick up. We packed everything away and took our dogs for a walk on the beach. We found a bunch of great rocks, crab legs, jelly fish, shells, and clams. It was pretty great, and just gorgeous! We had dinner at a local bar, Duggens, rented a movie, and got a growler (grizzler) of beer from a local brewing company. It's wonderful beer, by the way.

Tomorrow I'll be mostly on my own, as Ray has to get ready for a party he's throwing here tomorrow evening involving eating some fresh halibut! I'm very excited about that! :-)

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