Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jess arrives! Nap, Diamond Beach, Sarah Palin 8-5-10

Today was great! I got up around 3am to pick up Jess in Kenai. On the way to the airport, I saw a bunch of moose, and coming back from the airport, we saw even more, including some babies. They were beautiful.

We took a little walk around the beach and the spit when we got to Homer, and finally decided to go back to the cabin for a nap before further adventuring.

When we woke up from our very long, satisfying naps, we went back to the spit and ate lunch at Starvin' Marvin (fantastic pizza and cheese bread). We walked around the spit a bit more, hit a couple stores, and ran into none other than Sarah Palin outside one of the stores we had found. She had a small mob around her, but I managed to get a couple pictures just to prove that we really did see her. I'm hoping we don't lose IQ points by proximity. :-)

Because the sun decided to make an appearance, we then hiked down to Diamond Beach with Eddy. It was a beautiful hike and the weather was beautiful most of the time. By the time we'd hiked back up to the car, it had clouded over, but we really appreciated seeing Homer with some sun today!

We haven't decided what to do this evening, but I believe we're getting beers somewhere and probably having a "Pirates of the Caribbean" marathon after that. I'm so glad Jess is here, but I can't believe it's almost time to head home. Where has summer gone?!

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